WSPE's 80th Anniversary!
In celebration of the 80th anniversary of our State Society, WSPE, we have decided to show our appreciation for your loyal membership in a number of ways such as offering up to eight $1,000 scholarships to deserving High School students, offering a prize to the High School student who best describes what it means to be a professional engineer and reducing the admission fee to our 2024, 13 PDH virtual Discovery Conference to only $80!
There are many other ways that we plan to celebrate this great milestone but we would like everyone to participate, not just a few. And to that end, each month we will be publishing a “factoid” about NSPE and WSPE in the form of a question and answer.
On January 1, on our State website and in an email to all of our members, we will publish all of the ways that we wish to celebrate our 80th anniversary along with all of the details so please look for our email and celebrate along with us. THANK YOU for supporting NSPE and for being a loyal member of our professional society.
Winners of the WSPE 80th Anniversary Challenges
Monthly WSPE Factoids
Q: What are the annual NSPE awards offered?
A: 1) Federal Engineer of the Year Award (federal government engineer for engineering excellence) , 2) NSPE award (NSPE’s highest award for contributions to engineering profession), 3) New Professional award (new PE who has made outstanding contributions to engineering profession), 4) NSPE Fellows award (PEs that have demonstrated long term professional service to chapter, state and national levels of NSPE), 5) Engineering Education Excellence award (prestigious Engineering Education Excellence award for Teachers) and 6) QBS award (award for excellence of use of the Qualifications Bases Selection process).
Q: What number of kids annually participate in MATHCOUNTS?
A: 250,000 kids annually participate in MATHCOUNTS!!
Q: How did MATHCOUNTS get started and in what year?
A: MATHCOUNTS was founded in 1983 by NSPE, the National Council Teachers of Math and CNA insurance for middle school kids to improve attitudes about math and provide math problem solving skills.
Q: What are 3 benefits for being an NSPE/WSPE member?
A: 1) Knowing that you, as a licensed engineer, have the best chance to protect public safety through engineering competence, 2) knowing that you can depend on NSPE to protect professional engineering licensure through legal challenge and 3) that you can access the national NSPE website offering free PDH webinars, information about national PE licensure legislation, specific information about your State Society members and much, much more.
Q: What engineering disciplines make up NSPE?
A: The National Society of Professional Engineers (NSPE) is the ONLY professional engineering society which primarily advocates PE licensure and accepts ALL engineering disciplines in their membership.
Q: How many State Societies make up NSPE (as of 2023)?
A: There are 47 fully integrated State Societies of NSPE and 5 non-integrated affiliates.
Q: Why was NSPE founded?
A: NSPE was founded in 1934 for the express purpose of protecting public safety by creating engineering licensure standards that are based on meeting education, ethics and experience minimums in an engineering environment.
Q: Who founded NSPE and in what year?
A: NSPE was founded in 1934 by David Steinman, a renowned bridge engineer, who called together 4 engineering organizations to form a national engineering society. WSPE was founded in 1944 as one of the state societies - or chapters - of NSPE.